About Michele Rizzi
Michael Rizzi is an Italian artist born in Turin in 1971 (he currently lives and works in Pianezza, near Turin) best known for sculptures “Condensation and dispersion of matter.” Sculptures made with steel, wire and iron mesh, which enhance the feeling of discontinuity of matter (solids and voids), usually colored in orange or blue. If the sculpture of the past was essentially remove excess material, this kind of sculpture is to score the material at the points established and well-measured quantity. Regarding the forms, are prevalent human figures who suffer from the most different influences ranging from the ancient Minoan art and African (athletic and Thin figures) to the sculptures of the last century by A. Giacometti to the latest figures pseudo alien or humanity of the future, up to the recent “Manga “Japanese. The incompleteness and deficiencies are the added value of these jobs from which flows the perpetual fascination of the ruins and archaeological remains. The artist likes to think of the sculptures as in archaeological findings received from the distant future. The heroism and courage of facing life or just living is a recurring theme in these works as well as the simple contemplation, inordinate and disproportionate individual (humanity) in the presence of the universe, time and space. Painting by Michele Rizzi follows a seemingly distinct from the sculptures but for neighboring intent and in some cases coinciding with the work in three dimensions. His painting came to degrees from a figurative painting (fantastic landscapes future) to a more abstract representation, up to an abstraction that is influenced by the painting of Gerhard Richter (physical and mechanical work on the color pulled with wooden frames) from which it deviates by rarefaction and for the insertion of figures that give more or less distinct size, depth and meaning abstraction transforming it into abstract landscape. Both (sculpture and painting by Michele Rizzi) pursue the future in the knowledge that the future is essential from the past. A sort of hole in space-time (black hole) that enables the past and the future to come in contact generating overlapping and hybridization and an infinity of shades and consequent emotions.
Architect. Degree in architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin.
Io espongo (young artist) 1996 Turin Italy
Io espongo 1998 Turin Italy
“Pastis” 2000 Turin Italy
Concorso “Design Caffe” 2001 . Special mention.
“L’autostrada più bella” 2002. 4° class.
“La valle più bella ” 2005 – 1° ex equo.
“Il visibile e l’invisibile” San Benedetto Po Mantona. 1° class.
Olimpiadi Torino 2006. Casa Curling end Hokey. Hotel Cavalieri, Pinerolo.
“Surf Cafe” Andora 2010
“Border land” Lido di Camaiore 2012
“Fan Navigli” 05/2014
“Sella Bank” 11/2014
Collective exibition “San Benedetto Po” 2007
Personal exibition -Atelier new group. Mantova 2007
Personal exibition- Artheos” 2007
Personal exibition- “Single fin” surf cafè.Andora 2008.
Special award. International sculture simposium. Trucioli d’artista-Rivoli 2009.
Fan Navigli – Milano 2014
Onlus Donne e futuro – Torino 2015
Solo exibition “FUTURE” – Villa Casalegno- Pianezza 12/05/2015
Solo exibition L’Eremo – Cherasco (Cn) 21/05/2016